कृषी उत्पन्न बाजार समिती मंचर,पुणे उपबाजार आवार लोणी
आजचे बाजारभाव

कृषी उत्पन्न बाजार समिती मंचर,पुणे उपबाजार आवार लोणी

India is an ag123452123454321ercent of the population earns their livelihood from agriculture. The farmer could not sell the produce grown by the farmer as per his wish. Market middlemen, brokers and big traders were selling agricultural produce secretly. Weighing of agricultural produce was done through traders' Isma. There were frauds, losses, loose ends etc. Charity and other unsavory practices were rampant in the market place and the peasants tolerated all this with desperation. From this it became necessary to bring the market under regulation to get the farmer out. The first market committee in India was established in the year 1886 at Karanjalad. This market committee was established to regulate the purchase and sale of cotton.